
Taopad launchpad

Current projects

project cover

TaoTrade is a derivatives day-trading platform, that will be launching on Arbitrum to facilitate up to 1000x leverage on protected perpetuals with low fees, no liquidations, featuring $TAO and related ecosystem assets.

$TTRADE token holders yield fees from the trading platform, where stakers earn 20% of trading fees, as well as 5% from profitable position exits.

$TTRADE also acts as a governance token, to mediate the direction of the protocol, including but not limited to fee changes, asset additions/removals, as well as how to spend accrued project funds.

Website: https://www.taotrade.io/

Follow on X: https://twitter.com/TaoTradeX

1000+ round500+ round50+ round

Past projects

project cover

TaoBank is a decentralized borrowing protocol that allows you to draw interest-free loans against $wTAO used as collateral. Loans are facilitated in $taoUSD (a low-volatility stablecoin soft-pegged to the US dollar) and need to maintain an overcollateralized ratio. TaoBank as a protocol is non-custodial, immutable, and governance-free. Learn more in our documentation.

Seed round (1000+)Tpad Round (50+)